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SpamSit is the occupy spam protest tool. You can end spam. Windows software to protest the host sites or email of the people that sent you spam. You choose who to protest. SpamSit gives you the needed tools. Your protest along with the protest of thousands will disrupt the spammer economy and end spam. Download and screenshots at

Publisher Description

Window 8 CompatibleSpamSit is the occupy spam protest tool. You can end spam. You choose who to protest from the spam you receive. The spammer tyranny floods the internet daily with billions of unwanted messages. Besieged email users have tried to defend themselves with spam filters. For many this is not enough. You spend precious time sifting through the filtered mess for important messages that could get lost because of false positives. Some spammers mistakenly justify their actions by saying they were just exercising their right to free speech, but your privacy rights trump commercial speech. Using SpamSit, you can demonstrate the legitimate use of free speech and put an end to spam by disrupting the spammer economy. SpamSit will organize and process the spam you receive to provide you with the information and tools you need to protest spam. SpamSit will extract all URL's from the spam you receive and trace the URL to the final web host. The program will then perform a domain block list lookup on all the domains found. You will then be presented with a list of domain/ips from which to select the web hosts you wish to protest. The protest itself is a simple sit-in in which you connect with the host and hold the connection for a random amount of time. Because web hosts can only provide a limited number of simultaneous connections, if enough people receive spam for that host, and protest, no other connections can get through. The occupy spam protest focuses on the web hosts the spammers depend on for their income. If you interrupt the spammer economy, spam stops. The program also generates a list of possible scam emails. These are the ones offering you outrageous sums of money for whatever reason. If you chose to protest this spam you can send a randomly generated email response. If the scammers receive too many protest emails they may not be able to find the responses from the poor suckers that might pay them.

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